If you want to retire at your desired age and feel confident that you can live comfortably throughout your retirement, you’ll need a substantial nest egg. While the exact amount is highly dependent on a number of variables (like your living expenses, health care costs and how long you’ll live), most experts recommend saving enough to generate about 25 times your yearly budget during retirement.
TIAA’s free online Retirement calculator helps you estimate how much money you’ll need to meet your goals. You’ll enter your annual pretax income, expected rate of investment return and current balances in tax-advantaged savings plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs. In addition, the calculator will factor in other sources of retirement income like Social Security, pensions or part-time jobs and help you adjust for inflation. This link ex-ponent.com
You’ll also choose how much you expect to increase your contribution each year, whether that’s a percentage of your current contribution or because of an automatic increase from your employer’s retirement plan. The calculator will use this information to calculate the estimated yearly growth of your savings, which it will then divide by your expected retirement age (67 by default) and multiply by your yearly budget to get an estimate of how much you’ll need in total to retire on time and in comfort.
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One unique feature of this calculator is that it asks about your filing status and local tax rate, which it uses to calculate the impact of taxes on your savings. While it doesn’t go as in-depth into the financial details as some other calculators, it has a nice clean interface and provides plain-language explanations of each field.